Role of Biofertilizers In Sustainable Agriculture

With the introduction of green revolution technologies, modern agriculture is getting more and more dependent upon the steady supply of synthetic inputs. Intensive agriculture with the use of chemical fertilizers in large amounts has resulted in a manifold increase in the productivity of farm commodities but the adverse effects of these chemicals are clearly visible on soil structure, microflora, quality of water, food, and fodder. At this critical juncture, biofertilizers are useful to supplement chemical fertilizers.
Biofertilizers are, help to keep in the soil all the nutrients and live microorganisms required for the benefit of the plants. It’s used in organic farming, sustainable agriculture, green farming, and non-pollution farming.
It is also one of the important components of integrated nutrient management, as they are a cost-effective and renewable source of plant nutrients to supplement the chemical fertilizers for sustainable agriculture.
The aim of biofertilizers is to complement and, where appropriate, replace conventional chemical fertilizers so that their use can be reduced with the resulting economic and environmental benefits.
Biofertilizer contains living microorganisms that, when applied to the soil, colonizes the rhizosphere or the interior of the plant and promote growth by increasing the availability of primary nutrients to the host plant.
They encourage plants to absorb, on their own, a greater quantity of nutrients which, even if they are naturally present in the soil, on occasions cannot be assimilated by plants because they are in an insoluble form.
Conventional chemical fertilizers, however, supply the soil with chemical elements that, despite functioning as a fertilizer, can end up contaminating aquifers if they are not managed in the right dose and at the right moment.
Prabhat fertilizer and chemical works Karnal – Haryana state, being a high technology-driven organization has been a multifaceted agribiotech organization with a high degree focus on biotechnology and has been offering 100 % safe and natural bio solutions for all crops and soils.
Our quality products of international standards with organic certification have been developed through virulent and efficacious strains to perform under different agro climatic conditions.
Prabhat has been active since 1974 under the chairmanship of Mr. Bhushan Goel with a broad vision to cater to the needs of all farmers worldwide with objectively sustainable farming.